
Dave Ramsey Sale $10

DaveRamsey.com is offering all of Dave's books, audios, and DVD's for the low price of $10 each right now! There are very few financial books and resources that I can whole-heartedly endorse, but these I would highly recommend. They may very likely change your life!

If you are struggling financially and feeling no way out, I would strongly encourage you to invest the money to purchase some of these materials. If you are doing pretty well financially but feel like you are not making the traction you'd like to be, you will really find these materials beneficial. We have personally saved a few thousand dollars extra each year, thanks to Dave Ramsey--and we were already frugal zealots before we'd even heard of him!

If you're new to Dave, I'd encourage you to start with The Total Money Makeover. If you're more of a visual learner like me, be sure to check out Dumping Debt, Cash-Flow Planning, and The Great Misunderstanding (this is hands-down, our very favorite DVD from Dave!). My husband also has found the Personal Finance Software to be very helpful.

For those who might be interested in giving out these books and materials as Christmas gifts, not only are all the books, CDs, and DVDs on sale for $10, but if you buy 10, you will get 2 free. Plus, if you spend more than $65, you'll get free shipping!
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