
Stock Pile- How to do it Guide

You guys who know me think my pantry is too organized and stocked, but check this out...

If you got snowed in for awhile would you survive? As a little girl we got snowed in for 2 weeks! (We lived right at the bottom of 2 big hills:) My Dad had to put on old snow shoes (Didn't even know he had em) and walk 2 miles on top of the snow drifts so he could meet a friend to take him to the grocery store. He came back with one very cold nose, and looking like Santa-he had an army issue tote bag slung over his shoulder full of food, I was 8 years old. I thought he was a hero:) Thankfully that was the last time my recently moved to the country parents were caught off guard. We always had a stash of food going into the winter after that.

Since I had that experience as a child we always have a supply of stuffs around and I definitely believe in being prepared. Here are some wonderful sites that I think help with that.

My Food storage Deals Check out her organized basement "store" photos like the one above. I learned I can freeze cream cheese from her!! Yippee! Give me that .50 sale again:)

Provident Living can help you learn about home food storage, managing finances, and Emergency Preparedness as well.Living Essentials does great food storage segments.Or Visit The Red Cross's site

In this time of job lay offs and with the shape of the economy- being prepared as much as possible during the "fat" years for anything that might come our way is one of the greatest gifts we can give our loved ones:)

Here are some comments I had for a recent blog about stocking up over at DealSeekingMom She has asked that I do a guest post on the subject so stay tuned:)

By shopping just the loss leaders and stocking up on them I find we are able to keep a pretty good supply of the basics around here. We normally have about a 6 month supply of food on hand. I don’t even consider that enough should my husband get laid off and I actually like to aim for a year supply. When Chicken of The Sea tuna went on sale last year for .25 a can we bought 100 of em. When Skippy goes on sale for .99 and I can get .50 coupons I buy cases at a time. If I have less then 50 jars of ragu I feel a little worried. Why? If we actually have to ever live off of our supply I want spaghetti at least once a week! Lol

I think the secret is trying to stock up on one thing in a big way when I can. And keep buying it! Even if I have 24 jars of PB and it goes on sale again I get more. Because I have a supply I wouldn’t necessarily have to keep buying as much either just 2-5 here and there to replace what I’ve used. Sometimes I can pass up deals because we might not have the $ or I want to spend it on something else.

I’d much rather have a stash then ever meet the day when I’d pay full price-ever again-on anything! Lol

Each week there’s usually a fabulous deal somewhere. I recently ad matched 10 count GV brand boxes of the instant flavored oatmeals for $1 a piece at Walmart. I NEVER buy this but for that price it’s a nice treat and I grabbed 20 boxes over the week after deciding the first 10 weren’t enough. I figured that’s enough to get us through the winter now.Hope these ideas help.

We’ve lived off of one income for 17 years now. In that time we added 7 kids!! Two times they came by twos! We still managed. Staying out of debt is huge as well, so don’t go into debt to get storage. Have a budget, spend what ya earn, save what ya can, and be grateful for it all:)

Build a storage one can/box at a time…
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