
Lowes Foods Cereal Deal

Do you need cereal? Did you print the Kellogg's cereal $1/1 coupon from coupons.com at the beginning of the month? If you answered YES to both of those questions then you are in luck! Kellogg's cereal is on sale WITH Lowes Food instore coupons for $1.79 (these coupons came out Wednesday 27th)...Kellogg's is also running a special buy 4 Kellogg's cereal save an instant $4.00!!!

You will need to purchase a small filler if you are going just for the cereal because you will end up with a negative balance.

HOWEVER, don't fret if you do not have the $1/1 Kellogg's you can still get the cereal for .79 using the instant saving and the instore coupon!

Please note this is for select cereal only!Pin It

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