
Lowes Foods: Full Circle Taste Test Offer- FREE MILK & COOKIES JUST SIGN UP

Did you know Full Circle brand is Lowes Foods line of organic products? Have you noticed them in your supermarket? They offer a wide variety of organic and natural products. According to Lowes Foods website,
Full Circle items are grown and packaged according to strict uniform standards as outlined by the USDA National Organic Program.

Our family appreciates and enjoy their Full Circle brand! Look for this logo next time you visit one of their locations. Now for the fun part...drum roll please...

We are excited to announce that Lowes Foods is graciously offering Frugal Frenzy readers a special Taste Test of Full Circle MILK and COOKIES. Here is how it works..

1. You MUST sign-up to Follow our blog, or already follow us!
2. You MUST subscribe to our daily updates via email or RSS feed!
3. After you receive your coupon via email, RETURN and POST a COMMENT after your have tried your Full Circle milk and cookies! (Click on Full Circle LOGO on the right to leave your "review")


*Offer is open to first 100 respondents
*Offer is valid in NC only
*No substitution requests will be honored
*Limit one redemption per Household
*Offer is non-transferable
*No Cash Back
*To be eligible for future offers, you must complete the survey that will come with the coupon
*Must have a registered Lowes Foods Rewards Card

Have you completed steps 1, 2 and 3? If so, click here!

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Anonymous said...

This is awesome! Thanks so much!!!

tnturmenne said...

Very exciting, thanks!

Layla said...

What a great offer! Thanks so much! I post the weekly deals for Lowes Foods on my blog, and love Full Circle!

Thanks again,

Layla said...

Oh, I'm also a follower now and a reader!

Thanks again!

ClipperGirl56 said...

Thanks for the offer. I am already a follower. I just signed up to recieve updates on My.Yahoo reader. By the way, love the new look.

Anonymous said...

wow what a wonderful giveaway

Meghan said...

Oooh I already drink and eat full circle products... very yummy and much cheaper than the name brand products! :)

Frugal Frenzy said...

Meghan, I am sure they would love your feedback!! Do still sign up to get your coupon!

Janet said...

wow great offer. I follow and I get your feed and I follow on twitter which is very helpful when you out and about and get an update like.. free milk and cookies. thanks guys..

Ronie said...

I buy 2 gallons of full circle milk every week (whole milk for baby girl and skim for us). Love it! Thanks for the offer. Like the cookies, too (and so does the little one).

Coupon Teacher said...

Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

We also love all of the Full Circle products. Organic milk and snacks are very important to our family. The milk is great and the cookies are yummy!

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