
Baby Enstein DVD Refund

If you had a baby in the last four years you are probably familiar with Baby Einstein DVD’s. These are DVDs that were marketed as educational for infants 9 months or younger. Well, it seems that I was not the only one who thought babies this age should not be in front of a TV (The American Academy recommends zero TV for children 2 years and younger). Fearing a class action lawsuit brought on by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, Baby Einstein DVD makers have agreed to issue a refund or provide an exchange to those who bought these DVDs under the pretense that they were educational.

If you have any of these DVDs, you can read the details here on how to get a $15.99 refund for each DVD you mail back to Disney, the makers of these DVDs. You can return up to 4 DVDs for a total possible of almost $64 refunded back to you. OR you could request an exchange for Baby Einstein books or music CDs or a promotional discount good at the DisneyStore.com.Pin It

1 comment:

A.Marie said...

I always wondered how these could possibly be educational! Great post!