
Walgreens SoftSoap/Irish Spring RR Rolling

Irish spring body wash

The Softsoap/Irish Spring register rewards are rolling this week at Walgreens. Here's how you can get FREE body wash:

Transaction #1:

Irish Spring or Softsoap Body Wash (15 or 18 oz.), $2.99
Get $2 RRs

$0.75/1 Softsoap NutriSerums Body Wash printable
$1/1 Irish Spring Body Wash (Reinventing Beauty, Mar)
$0.50 off Irish Spring Body Wash or Bar Soap, exp. 5-15 (SS 4/25/10)
$1/1 Softsoap Body Wash (Reinventing Beauty, Mar)
$1/1 Softsoap Body Wash, exp. 5-30 (Reinventing Beauty, Jan)
As low as FREE after coupons and RRs!

Transaction #2:

Repeat Transaction #1, but use your RRs AND your coupon to pay nothing OOP. You will need a small filler though, because at Walgreens you must have the same number of items as you have coupons.

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