
Eating Healthy On A Budget

Hip 2 Save posted a great article on this topic today...

* Buy fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season: Summer – melon, corn, tomatoes, peaches, berries; Fall – pumpkins, squash, apples; Winter – oranges, grapefruit, apples, grapes; Spring – strawberries. Check out your local farmer’s market or fruit stand…you’ll be supporting local farmers AND typically saving some money as well! For a list of the cheapest fruit and veggies month by month, click here.

* Eat frozen or canned fruits and vegetables when fresh ones cost more or are not in season( frozen ones have less salt than canned). Be sure to buy canned fruits that are “lite” or use natural juice and not syrup.

* Grains: Eat whole wheat or whole grain bread, pasta and cereal. When you find a great deal on bread, stock up on several loaves and freeze them to use later. Consider stocking up on hot cereals like oatmeal, grits, and cream of wheat, when they are on sale as they have a longer shelf life and typically cost less than cold cereal.

* Proteins (meat, poultry, dried beans, eggs, fish): Choose low fat meats and buy in the “big” package when it is on sale (split it into several meals and put it into the freezer until needed); Remember that turkey typically costs less than chicken. And don’t forget the beans! Beans cost less than meat and are great for you with lots of fiber. They typically make meals more substantial and filling!

* Grow your own produce…start small and start simple. Easy to grow crops include onions, peas, beets, rutabaga and zucchini squash. For more information on starting your first vegetable garden, click here.

* Consider replacing the oil in recipes with an equal amount of no-sugar-added apple sauce. It won’t change the taste of your recipe, but it will change the healthfulness of it.

* Reduce your cholesterol consumption by substituting the eggs in baked goods with a tablespoon of soy flour. You can pick up a bag for as little as $2-$3, and it will last you for quite a long time.


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